Eichmann, Karl Adolf   (1906-1962)

SS lieutenant colonel, one of the main organisers of the annihilation of the European Jews. Nazi party member from 1932, official of the Security Service (Sicherheitsdienst - SD) in charge of Jewish affairs from 1935. From 1938 he organised the forced emigration of the Austrian, Czech and German Jews. From 1941 he organised deportations as the head of the Reich Security Main Office's (Reichssicherheitshauptamt) Jewish department (IV/B/4). As a leader of a special unit, from March 1944 he directed alongside Hungarian authorities the ghettoisation and the deportation of the Hungarian Jews. After the war he went into hiding in Germany, later he escaped to Argentina with the help of Nazi organisations. He was kidnapped and taken to Jerusalem by Israeli agents in 1960, where he was tried. He was sentenced to death and hanged in 1962.