Protocol Nr. 2548

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Name: K. K.
Gender: female
Place of birth: Kassa
Date of birth: 1928
Place of residence: Rákosszentmihály
Occupation: furrier apprentice
Concentration: Békásmegyer
Ghetto: Rákosszentmihály
Camps: Auschwitz, Altenburg
Name: K. A.
Gender: female
Place of birth: Kassa
Date of birth: 1923
Place of residence: Rákosszentmihály
Occupation: seamstress
Concentration: Békásmegyer
Ghetto: Rákosszentmihály
Camps: Auschwitz, Altenburg
Name: K. V.
Gender: female
Place of birth: Kassa
Date of birth: 1922
Place of residence: Rákosszentmihály
Occupation: hairdresser
Concentration: Békásmegyer
Ghetto: Rákosszentmihály
Camps: Auschwitz, Altenburg

The persons in question have given us the following information: We were ghettoised in Rákosszentmihály. From there we were taken to Békásmegyer on June 30. There we stayed outdoors in the brick factory under terrible circumstances, in mud and filth. We still had some food we had brought from home. We were entrained and after three days of travel we arrived in Auschwitz. After getting out of the cattle car we were immediately separated from our parents. We have not heard about them ever since; back then we had no idea what happened to them, but now we know. We were taken to the bath where our clothes were taken away, our heads were shaved and our bodies were epilated. In exchange of our good clothes we got striped camp clothing. We were taken to camp C where we were lodged in extremely cramped conditions. There was no work here, but the miseries of the roll call lasted from the morning to evening. Selections were frequent and of course we were very much afraid, since we never knew if we would be selected to be killed or to work. During one of the selections we were chosen to be taken to work to Altenburg. We worked in an armament factory there. Our work was extremely hard: prior to our arrival it had been performed by strong Polish and Russian men. In the beginning we got normal food, but by the end of our stay we starved heavily. We slept on bunks. We had a possibility to wash ourselves, actually it was obligatory. We were here until April. When the Russians approached, we left on foot. After marching 42 kilometres we arrived in Waldenburg where we were liberated by the Americans on the next day.
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